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  • 手游专题
  • 2024-05-17
  • zmhk






5.distinguishing distinguishable区别

6.be distinguish





       3、作“与众不同”解时,后常接介词by, for或in。

       distinguished 读法? 英 [dstɡwt] 美 [dstɡwt]






       distinguish, differ这组词的共同意思是“不同于?”。其区别是:

       distinguish既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,而differ只可作不及物动词。当differ译作“有区别,不同于”时,一般不以人作主语。此外, differ还可作“看法不同,与?意见相左”解,而distinguish则无此义。


       1、distinguish among在?之间辨别

       2、distinguish as以?而出名

       3、distinguish as a poet以诗人而著名

       4、distinguish as a writer作为一名作家出了名

       5、distinguish between ... and把?和?区别开来,辨别




       区别, 辨别

       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典




       区别; 识别


       把...区别分类; 使显出不同特征[特性]

       [反身用法]使杰出, 使显出特色

       distinguish right from wrong


       distinguish good from evil


       distinguish sb. in a crowd


       distinguish things into classes


       distinguish oneself by scholarship


       distinguish oneself in battle



       be distinguished as

       辨明为, 称之为

       be distinguished by


       be distinguished for


       be distinguished from

       不同于; 与...加以区别


       辨别, 识别; 把...和...区别开

       distinguish oneself

       使自己与众不同; 使自己出名

       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典



       vt., vi.


       I can distinguish them at a distance.


       (常与from, between连用)区别;区分

       Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?


       Can you distinguish between those two objects?



       Speeches distinguishes man from the animals.


       Elephants are distinguished by their long noses / trunks.



       The monitor distinguished himself by his performance in the examination.


       The young officer distinguished himself many times in battle.


       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词[七国语言]英汉公共大词典





       define detect dignify honor see


       Distinguish between


       distinguish by contrasting qualities.


       To distinguish by contrasting qualities.


       To distinguish from something related.


       Can you distinguish goat from sheep?




       不一致, 不同

       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典




       相异, 不同


       Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.


       Customs differ in different countries.


       His opinion differs entirely from mine.


       We differ about [on] the matter [question].



       agree to differ

       求同存异, 彼此保留不同意见

       beg to differ


       differ from

       不同于; 和...不同; 和...意见不一致

       differ in


       differ with sb.


       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典





       My brother and I differ in many ways.


       She differs from me in many ways.


       Nylon and silk differ.


       Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.



       We differ from / with them on / about that question.


       They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.


       I'm afraid we shall have to differ on this matter.


       Jack differed with his father about / on / over the present economic situations at home.


       习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词[七国语言]英汉公共大词典



       不同, 相差


       Accounts differ.


       Tastes differ.


       Differ with sb.


       Words and figures differ


       Baseball and cricket differ.







       1、V-T/V-I If you can distinguish one thing from another or distinguish between two things, you can see or understand how they are different. 辨别;区分。

       2、V-T A feature or quality that distinguishes one thing from another causes the two things to be regarded as different, because only the first thing has the feature or quality. 有别于。

       3、V-T If you can distinguish something, you can see, hear, or taste it although it is very difficult to detect. 辨别出(正式)。

       4、V-T If you distinguish yourself, you do something that makes you famous or important. 使著名。



       distinguish between A and B:区分A和B,表示将两者进行比较,找出它们之间的不同之处。例如:It’s important to distinguish between right and wrong.

       distinguish oneself:表现出色,脱颖而出。例如:He distinguished himself in the field of science.

       distinguish someone/something from:将某人或某物与别人或别的事物区分开来,以便更好地理解或辨别。例如:It’s difficult to distinguish her from her twin sister.

       distinguishable:能够辨别的,有明显区别的。例如:The two species are easily distinguishable from each other.

       distinguishable feature:特征,特点,区别。例如:A smile was her most distinguishable feature.



distinguishing distinguishable区别



       3、作“与众不同”解时,后常接介词by, for或in。

       distinguished 读法? 英 [d?st?ɡw?t] 美 [d?st?ɡw?t]?






       distinguish, differ这组词的共同意思是“不同于…”。其区别是:

       distinguish既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,而differ只可作不及物动词。当differ译作“有区别,不同于”时,一般不以人作主语。此外, differ还可作“看法不同,与…意见相左”解,而distinguish则无此义。


       1、distinguish among 在…之间辨别

       2、distinguish as 以…而出名

       3、distinguish as a poet 以诗人而著名

       4、distinguish as a writer 作为一名作家出了名

       5、distinguish between ... and 把…和…区别开来,辨别

be distinguish


       英 [d?'st?gw]

       美 [d?'st?gw]

       v. 区别;表现突出(distinguish的ing形式)

       adj. 有区别的 时是distinguish的变形

       Faces just seem all the same - in the same way that you or I might have troubledistinguishing sheep by their faces.



       英 [dis'ti?ɡwi?bl]

       美 [d?'st?gwbl]

       adj. 可区别的;辩认得出的;可辨识的


       distinguish 英[dis?ti?ɡwi?] 美[d?st?ɡw?] 过去式:distinguished 过去分词:distinguished 现在分词:distinguishing




       区别; 识别


       把...区别分类; 使显出不同特征[特性]

       [反身用法]使杰出, 使显出特色

       distinguish right from wrong


       distinguish good from evil


       distinguish sb. in a crowd


       distinguish things into classes


       distinguish oneself by scholarship


       distinguish oneself in battle






       区别; 辨别; 认别

       distinguish between silk and rayon


       People who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind.



       be distinguished as

       辨明为, 称之为

       be distinguished by


       be distinguished for


       be distinguished from

       不同于; 与...加以区别


       辨别, 识别; 把...和...区别开

       distinguish oneself

       使自己与众不同; 使自己出名

       vt. & vi.

       1.辨别, 区别,区分,分清


       1.显扬自己, 使自己扬名





       6.把…分组;把…(区别)分类(into) 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.

       1.辨别, 区别,区分,分清

       Can you distinguish the twins apart?


       We can distinguish between gold and silver.


       及物动词 vt.

       1.显扬自己, 使自己扬名

       He distinguished himself in physics.






       It is hard to distinguish him from his twin brother.



       Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.



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