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  • 游戏教程
  • 2024-03-05
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        At a glance

       UCL is London's leading multidisciplinary university, with more than 11,000 staff and 38,000 students from 150 different countries. Founded in 1826 in the heart of London, UCL was the first university in England to welcome students of any class, religion, and the first to welcome women on equal terms with men.

       UCL is one of the world’s leading multi-disciplinary universities. We operate in a global context and are committed to excellence, innovation and the promotion of global understanding in all our activities: research, teaching, learning, enterprise and community engagement.


       Our distinctive approach to research, education and innovation will further inspire our community of staff, students and partners to transform how the world is understood, how knowledge is created and shared and the way that global problems are solved.


       London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the wider world and committed to changing it for the better; recognised for our radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate our education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity.








        Our history


       2014: Institute of Education merges with UCL

       2013: Professor Michael Arthur becomes Provost

       2012: Launch of interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts and Sciences

       2012: UCL Academy mixed state school opens

       2012: School of Pharmacy merges with UCL

       2010: Francis Crick Institute – UCL as a founding partner

       2010: Yale UCL Collaborative


       2009: UCL Partners

       2006: Enterprise agenda

       2005: UCL degrees

       2003: Professor Malcolm Grant becomes Provost


       1999: Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith FRS becomes Provost

       1994: NHS Foundation Trust

       1986-99: Expanding strength and breadth


       1989: Sir Derek Roberts becomes Provost


       1979: Sir James Lighthill FRS becomes Provost

       1978: Student housing

       1975: Wates House

       1973: Physics and Astronomy


       1966: Lord Annan becomes Provost

       1965: A new home for UCL Laws


       1951: Sir Ifor Evans becomes Provost


       1943: Sir David Pye FRS becomes Provost

       1942: Lunch Hour Lectures begin

       1940: War damage


       1930: Sir Allen Mawer FBA becomes Provost


       1921-28: Psychology and phonetics


       1906: Building the Cruciform

       1906: Sir Gregory Foster becomes Provost


       1896: A. E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad

       1893: England's first students' union

       1892: First chair in Egyptology, Sir Flinders Petrie


       1878: First university to teach women

       1870: Slade School of Fine Art


       1869: Hygiene and Public Health work commences

       1866: Expanding the campus


       1846: First European operation under anaesthetic

       1841: First Civil Engineering chair in the country


       1837: Unconventional mathematician – J. J. Sylvester

       1837: University College Hospital

       1833: Britain's first professor of Geography


       1828: England's first Chemistry, English, German and Italian departments

       1826: Unshackling education – UCL is established





















       1975:Wates House


















       1896:A. E. 豪斯曼作品《什罗普郡一少年》问世。













       1837:非传统数学家J. J. 西尔维斯特。同年,大学学院医院成立。






        Faculty of Arts & Humanities

       This faculty is ranked fourth in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2016-2017). The Faculty of Arts & Humanities includes the traditional arts and humanities departments of English, Philosophy, Greek and Latin, and the School of European Languages and Cultural and Society (SELCS). The faculty also includes the Slade School of Fine Art, Hebrew and Jewish Studies, International Studies, and undergraduate programmes in European Social and Political Studies, the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BASc), and the many inter-disciplinary MA Programmes.

        Faculty of the built environment

       UCL Bartlett is the university's global faculty of the built environment, whose schools and sections operate at the leading edge of ten distinct fields from architecture, planning and spatial analysis to energy, project management and development in the global south.

        Faculty of Brain Sciences

       This faculty brings together expertise at the forefront of neurology, ophthalmology, audiology, psychology and language sciences, cognitive neuroscience and mental health sciences.

        Faculty of Engineering Sciences

       The scientists and engineers from this faculty take discoveries from life sciences, pure maths, psychology and many other areas, mix them together, add create their own innovations, producing solutions the world needs.










Institute of Education

       The UCL Institute of Education (IOE) is the world’s leading centre for education and related social science.Students and researchers at the IOE work collaboratively with world-renowned academics and sector specialists to advance knowledge and professional practice.

Faculty of Law

       This faculty is one of the leading centres of legal education in the world, combining a strong theoretical foundation in the law with practical teaching from world-leading academics and practitioners.

Faculty of life Sciences

       This faculty specialises in life science disciplines ranging from neuroscience to the biology of molecules, cells and organisms, as well as drug discovery, formulation sciences and medicines use and health.

        Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences

       This faculty is an internationally renowned centre encompassing the logical, experimental and mathematical study of the universe.The Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences consists of eight departments active in teaching and researching broad areas of science.

        Faculty of Medical Sciences

       This faculty brings together the UCL Medical School and six of UCL's Divisions and Institutes, creating a powerhouse of medical science research and teaching.

        Faculty of Population Health Sciences

       This faculty focuses on the biological, behavioural and psycho-social processes that operate across an individual’s life, and across generations, that affect the development of disease in populations.

        Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

       This faculty represents an area of knowledge where humanities and science meet. Offering a diverse area of study, departments within the faculty are ranked within the top 20 in the world. Alongside Economics, Geography, History, History of Art and Political Science departments, the faculty also includes the Institute of Americas and the Institute of Archaeology.















        Famous alumni


       Rob Williams

       Rob Williams (UCL Biotechnology 2006) wins gold in the lightweight men’s four at the World Rowing Championships in 2010. He follows this success with a silver medal at the 2012 London Olympics.

       Joshua Hayward

       Joshua Hayward (UCL Physics 2006) releases his first album Strange House with his band the Horrors in 2007. The band joins Florence and the Machine on their UK and Ireland tour in 2012.

       Christine Ohuruogu

       Christine Ohuruogu MBE (UCL Linguistics 2005) wins a gold medal at the Beijing Olympics in the 400m.


       Julian Baggini

       Julian Baggini (UCL Philosophy 1996) co-founds The Philosophers’ Magazine in 1997. His book, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten: And Ninety-Nine Other Thought Experiments, is published in 2005.

       Chris Martin

       Chris Martin (UCL Greek and Latin 1996), Jonny Buckland (UCL Mathematics 1996), Will Champion (UCL Anthropology 1996) and Guy Berryman (UCL Engineering Sciences 1996) meet at Ramsay Hall during Freshers' Week and go on to form Coldplay.

       Christopher Nolan

       Former student Christopher Nolan (UCL English 1993) directs his debut film Following in 1998. He goes on to direct Inception in 2010, shooting some of it in UCL's Gustave Tuck lecture theatre.

       Justine Frischmann

       Justine Frischmann (UCL Bartlett 1992) co-founds Suede with then-boyfriend Brett Anderson in 1989. Her new band, Elastica, releases their first album in 1995.

       Brett Anderson

       Brett Anderson (UCL Bartlett 1991) hits number one in the UK album charts as vocalist of Suede in 1993. The band breaks up in 2003 but reforms in 2010.

       Douglas Gordon

       Douglas Gordon (UCL Slade 1990) wins the Turner Prize in 1996. Zidane, un portrait du 21e siècle, a feature-length film following the French footballer during a match, premieres at the Cannes Film Festival in 2006.


       Farshid Moussavi

       Farshid Moussavi (UCL Bartlett 1989) co-founds Foreign Office Architects (FOA) in 1993. She goes on to design the award-winning Yokohama International Ferry Terminal in 1995.

       Andrew Davenport

       Andrew Davenport (UCL Phonetics & Linguistics 1987) wins a second BAFTA award in 1998, this time for Teletubbies. He goes on to create In The Night Garden in 2007.

       Rachel Whiteread

       Rachel Whiteread CBE (UCL Slade 1987) becomes the first woman to be awarded the Turner Prize in 1993.

       Lynn Truss

       Lynn Truss (UCL English 1977) completes Eats, Shoots & Leaves in 2003. This guide to punctuation misuse tops the bestseller charts in both Britain and the United States.

       Chris Rapley

       Chris Rapley CBE (UCL Astronomy 1976) arranges for a band to perform in Antarctica as part of the Live Earth concert in 2007. In the same year, he is appointed Director of the Science Museum.

       Baroness Scotland

       Former UCL LLB student Baroness Scotland (UCL Laws 1976) becomes the first female Attorney General since the post was created in 1315.

       Jonathan Miller

       Jonathan Miller (UCL History of Medicine 1973) directs a Mafia-inspired adaption of Rigoletto in 1982. In 2004, he writes and presents Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief, a historical review of atheism for BBC Four.






       2006届伦敦大学学院物理。2007年与摇滚乐队Horrors发布第一张专辑《怪怪屋》。该乐队于2012年在他们的英国和爱尔兰巡演上加入流行乐队Florence and the Machine 。





       1996届伦敦大学学院哲学。1997年联合创办《哲学家杂志》。2005年出版作品《想被吃掉的猪,以及其他九十九个思想实验 》。


       1996届伦敦大学学院希腊语和拉丁语。 克里斯·马汀、强尼·邦蓝、 威尔·查恩和盖·贝瑞曼四人在新生周碰面,随后组成酷玩乐队。







       道格拉斯·戈登1990届伦敦大学学院斯莱德。1996年获透纳奖。《 齐达内》2006年在戛纳**节首映。



       1989届伦敦大学学院建筑环境学院。1993年联合成立Foreign Office Architects (FOA)事务所。1995年设计了备受称赞的“国际客运码头”。







       1977届伦敦大学学院英语。2003年完成Eats, Shoots & Leaves(一本讲述英语中标点符号的书)。该书在英国和美国畅销书排行榜上均位居榜首。



       Baroness Scotland



































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